Advanced Automoderator


Generally speaking most people want to have "ignore bots" as a ruleset condition, that way bots won't trigger any rules.

A simple way to have it is to keep all the basic stuff (invites, spam mentions, safebrowsing etc) in a single rule, then have a single violation counter and a rule for each tier of punishment (warn, kick, mute, ban)


Advanced Automoderator is a completely new auto-moderator system made from the ground up. When starting out you will need to create a new ruleset.


Rulesets are how you will group your auto moderation rules, you will need one to start out. A ruleset can be toggled on or off in the control panel with the -automod toggle <ruleset name> command.


List is where you will enter a list of words or websites for the auto-moderation system to use such as a list of banned websites/banned words/banned names etc.


Every time a rule is triggered, a log will be posted with the Date, User, Rule, and Trigger that caused it. This is helpful to find out what exactly happened.

Ruleset Settings

In each rule sets you have several options

  • Name: You can edit the name of your rule

  • Enable rule set: You can toggle the rule set on and off

  • Ruleset scoped condition: Assigned conditions that will apply to every rule` in the rule set.

  • Create a new rule: Create a new rule in the ruleset

Rule Setting

Triggers: A variety of different parameters that can configured to trigger the rule. Multiple parameters can be set but only one needs to activate to trigger the rule. Conditions: Restrictions or parameters set to limit who can trigger the rule. Multiple conditions can be set and all must be valid in order to allow the trigger. Effects: The effect that the rule will cause. Multiple effects can be added and all of them will be activated whenever the trigger is activated


When you create a violation, you will need to assign it a name. Each violation name will act like a key which has its own separate count.

Example: If you have two violation nameslinks and badName, +violation with the name links will increment the links violation counter for that user while badName will remains the same.

Then you can set up a rule with the x violations in y minutes trigger so that when someone increments the counter x times within y minutes, the rule will trigger. Using this you can set up tiered punishments where repeated violations causes stricter punishments.

Rule Options

Trigger Types

All caps

  • Triggers when a message contains more than x% of just capitalized letters.

    • Min number of all caps: Min number of caps needed to trigger

    • Percentage of all caps: Percent of the message needed to be made up of caps.

  • Both condition needs to be met to cause the trigger.

Message mentions

  • Triggers when a message includes more than x unique mentions

    • Threshold: The number of unique mentions needed to trigger the rule.

  • Triggers when a message contains any valid link

X violation in Y minutes

  • Triggers when a user has more than x violations within y minutes.

    • Violation name: The violation key that we need to check

    • Number of violation: The "x" number of violation needed to trigger the rule

    • Within (minutes): The "y" number of minutes that the violation needs to occur within.

    • Ignore if a higher violation trigger of this name was activated: Will be ignore if another violation trigger was activated that was higher up in punishment. Such as a ban violation if this was a kick violation.

Word blacklist

  • Triggers on messages containing words in the specified list

    • List: The list you want the rule to check against

Word whitelist

  • Triggers on messages containing words not in the specified list

    • List: The list you want the rule to check against

Website blacklist

  • Triggers on messages containing links to websites in the specified list

    • List: The list you want the rule to check against

Website whitelist

  • Triggers on messages containing links to websites not in the specified list

    • List: The list you want the rule to check against

Server invites

  • Triggers on messages containing invites to other servers, also includes some 3rd party server lists

  • Triggers on messages containing links that are flagged by Google Safe browsing as unsafe

X channel message in Y seconds

  • Triggers when a channel has more than x messages in y seconds.

    • Messages: Number of "X" messages needed to trigger the rule

    • Within (seconds): The "Y" number of seconds that the word needs to occur within.

X user message in Y seconds

  • Triggers when a user has more than x messages in y seconds in a single channel.

    • Messages: Number of "X" messages needed to trigger the rule

    • Within (seconds): The "Y" number of seconds that the word needs to occur within

User: X mentions within Y seconds

  • Triggers when a user has sent more than x unique mentions in y seconds in a single channel

    • Mentions: Number of "X" mentions needed to trigger the rule

    • Within (seconds): The "Y" number of seconds that the word needs to occur within

    • Count multiple mentions of the same user: Will count a mention to a user even if I it was previously mention before within the Y seconds.

Channel: X mentions within Y seconds

  • Triggers when a channel has more than x unique mentions in y seconds

    • Mentions: Number of "X" mentions needed to trigger the rule

    • Within (seconds): The "Y" number of seconds that the word needs to occur within

Message matches Regex

  • Triggers when a message matches the provided regex

    • Regex: The regex to trigger the rule

Message not matching regex

  • Triggers when a message does not match the provided regex

    • Regex: The regex to trigger the rule

X consecutive identical messages

  • Triggers when a user sends x identical messages after each other

    • Threshold: The number of x identical messages to trigger the rule

Nickname matches regex

  • Triggers when a member's nickname matches the provided regex

    • Regex: The regex to trigger the rule

Nickname not matching regex

  • Triggers when a member's nickname does not match the provided regex

    • Regex: The regex to trigger the rule

Nickname word blacklist

  • Triggers when a member has a nickname containing words in the specified list (This is currently very easy to circumvent at the moment, and will likely be improved in the future)

    • List: The list you want the rule to check against

Nickname word whitelist

  • Triggers when a member has a nickname not containing words in the specified list (This is currently very easy to circumvent at the moment, and will likely be improved in the future)

    • List: The list you want the rule to check against

x user attachments in y seconds

  • Triggers when a user has more than x attachments within y seconds in a single channel

    • Messages: Number of "X" attachments needed to trigger the rule

    • Within (seconds): The "Y" number of seconds that the attachment needs to occur within

x channel attachments in y seconds

  • Triggers when a channel has more than x attachments within y seconds

    • Messages: Number of "x" attachments needed to trigger the rule

    • Within (seconds): The "y" number of seconds that the attachment needs to occur within

Join username matches regex

  • Triggers when a member's username matches the provided regex

    • Regex: The regex to trigger the rule

Join username not matching regex

  • Triggers when a member's nickname does not match the provided regex

    • Regex: The regex to trigger the rule

Join username word blacklist

  • Triggers when a member has a username containing words in the specified list (This is currently very easy to circumvent at the moment, and will likely be improved in the future)

    • List: The list you want the rule to check against

Join username word whitelist

  • Triggers when a member has a nickname not containing words in the specified list (This is currently very easy to circumvent at the moment, and will likely be improved in the future)

    • List: The list you want the rule to check against

Join username invite

  • Triggers when a member joins with a username that contains a server invite

New member

  • Triggers when a new member joins

Message without attachments

  • Triggers when a message does not contain an attachment

Message with attachments

  • Triggers when a message contains an attachment

  • Triggers on messages that have scam links flagged by SinkingYachts and BitFlow AntiPhishing APIs

Condition Types

Ignore roles

  • Ignore users with at least one of these roles from this rule

    • Role: The list of roles to ignore.

Require roles

  • Require at least one of these roles on the user to trigger the rule

    • Role: The list of roles to ignore.

Ignore channels

  • Ignore the following channels

    • Channel: The list of channels to ignore.

Whitelist channels

  • Only check the following channel

    • Channel: The list of channels to check.

Account age above

  • Ignore users whose accounts age is less than the specified threshold

    • Age in minutes: The age specified to check upon

Account age below

  • Ignore users whose accounts age is greater than the specified threshold

    • Age in minutes: The age specified to check upon

Server members duration more than

  • Require members to have been on the server for more than x minutes

    • Age in minutes: The age specified to check upon

Server member duration less than

  • Require members to have been on the server for less than x minutes

    • Age in minutes: The age specified to check upon

Ignore bots

  • Ignore all bots

Only bots

  • Only trigger on bots

Ignore categories

  • Ignore channels in the following categories

    • Categories: The list of categories to check

Active in categories

  • Only check channels in the following categories

    • Categories: The list of categories to check

Effect Types

Effects with ability to add custom messages are capped to 150 characters.

Delete Message

  • Deletes the message


  • Adds a violation (use with violation trigger)

    • Name: The violation key you are adding a violation too.

Kick user

  • Kicks the user

Ban user

  • Bans the user

Mute user

  • Mutes the user

    • Duration (Minute): Duration to mute the user for.

Warn user

  • Warns the user

Set Nickname

  • Sets the nickname of the user

    • New Nickname (empty for removal): Set a new nickname for the user, if you leave it empty, it will reset the nickname.

Reset violations

  • Resets the violations of a user.

    • Name

Delete multiple messages

  • Deletes a certain number of the users last messages in this channel.

    • Number of messages

    • Max age (seconds)

Give role

  • Gives the specified role to the user, optionally with a duration after which the role is removed from the user.

    • Duration in seconds, 0 for permanent

    • Role

Enable Channel slowmode

  • Enables Discord's builtin slowmode in the channel for the specified duration, or forever.

    • Duration in seconds, 0 for permanent

    • Ratelimit in seconds between messages per user

Remove role

  • Removes the specified role from the user, optionally with a duration after which the role is added back to the user.

    • Duration in seconds, 0 for permanent

    • Role

Send Message

  • Sends the message on the channel the rule was triggered

    • Custom message

    • Delete sent message after x seconds (0 for non-deletion):

    • Ping user committing the infraction

    • Channel to send message in (Leave None to send message in same channel):


There are some limitations you need to be aware of when using Advanced Automoderator, which are listed below.

Note: 'Normal' here means a normal server without YAGPDB Premium, 'Premium' means one with YAGPDB Premium.

  • Max message-based triggers: 20 for normal, 100 for premium.

  • Max violation triggers: 20 for normal, 100 for premium.

  • Max total rules: 25 for normal, 150 for premium.

  • Max lists: 5 for normal, 25 for premium.

  • Max rule parts: This means the maximum amount of triggers, conditions, and effect in total you may have per rule. These will be truncated if they go over the limit. 20 for both normal and premium.

  • Max rulesets: 10 for normal, 25 for premium.

Automoderator 1.0 to 2.0


Mass Mention

Server Invite

Banned Words

Banned Websites

Last updated