Basic Automoderator

Remember to enable Basic Automoderator in the main interface if you wish to use it, in addition to the individual rulesets you need! Then, click Save All Settings.

Basic Automoderator is fine for setting up a simple automod system, but for more complex auto moderation, you may want to look at AutomodV2, as it provides more flexibility but is significantly more complex.


Basic Automoderator can be configured through different predefined rules. Within these rules, you can set different options to customize it to what you like. For those of you who are familiar with AutomodV2, rules are similar to rulesets, except they have less options.


We will be talking about all these rules and their options in-depth further in this article.

  1. Slowmode This rule allows you to only let users send a certain amount of messages within a given timespan.

  2. Mass Mention This rule allows you to detect messages which contain more than a certain amount of mentions in them.

  3. Server Invites This rule allows you to delete messages with invite links.

  4. Links This rule allows you to delete messages with links.

  5. Banned words/websites YAGPDB comes with a built-in list of bad words and sites which can be used, or you can configure your own!

Options available across all rules

There are two things available across all rules, which we will talk about here.


Violations are important in both Basic Automoderator and AutomodV2 (if you wish to transition to it later). In Basic Automoderator, violations are used to keep track of how many infractions a user has, with an optional expiry time. This is very useful for doing an action after several violations have occurred, such as muting the user if, say, they have spammed three times in a row.

In every rule, you can configure giving violations after an optional expiry time, and act on them if the violations for a given user have gone past a defined amount. The three actions available are:

  • Mute after (with configurable mute duration in minutes)

  • Kick after

  • Ban after

To disable any one or all of these actions, you can set the option the amount of violations to punish after to 0.

Violations are separate / different for each rule, meaning that a violation for Slowmode would not trigger a violation action set for Mass Mention.

Ignore roles / channels

This one is rather self-explanatory - you can ignore given channels or roles from triggering the rule. For example, let's say we ignore the role Staff from triggering the Slowmode rule and ignore the channel counting from triggering the rule like below:

If we configured everything else correctly, anyone with the Staff role would not trigger slowmode. Any message sent in the #counting channel would also be ignored.

Now that we've gotten this out of the way, we can move on to the individual rules.

Rules available


As we can see, there are several options available after you navigate to the slowmode rule tab. However, we can ignore the part about violations and ignore roles / channels, as they are shared across all rules. Taking those out, we are left with two very self-explanatory options:

As we can see, the two options are Number of messages and Within (seconds). For example, if we set the Number of messages option to 5 and the Within (seconds) option to 2, the ruleset would trigger if we sent 5 messages in 2 seconds, but not 4 messages in 2 seconds.

Mass Mention

As we can see, there is only one option for this rule if we take out ignored roles / channels and violations. This is Mention threshold - which is how many mentions a user would need to mention in a single message for this ruleset to be triggered.

This ruleset will not trigger if you mention the same person, only if you mention different people. For example, if we had the threshold as 2 and we mentioned Jonas747 twice, it would not trigger. However, if we mentioned Jonas747 and YAGPDB, it would trigger.

Server invites

This one is extremely self explanatory - all you need to do is enable it. It will detect server invites and delete them.

This ruleset will not trigger if you send an invite for the current server you set the ruleset for, only other servers.

Another self-explanatory rule! All you need to do is set it up, and YAGPDB will remove any links sent.

Banned words

There are two options that you can set for this rule - Ban built-in swear words and Banned words. The former is a yes/no checkbox. If it is enabled, YAGPDB will use its built-in swear word list (available here) in addition to the ones provided.

The Banned words option is a simple list of all the words you wish to ban. They should be separated by either spaces or newlines: i.e hello,world would ban both hello and world, while hello world would do the same.

Banned words only work on words - meaning not phrases. This translates to "you can only ban words without spaces in them".

Banned websites

There are also three options that you can set for this rule - Google safebrowsing integration, Scam link protection and Banned sites. The first two are simple checkbox-sliders and they automatically detect sites that contain malware using Google safebrowsing or Scam link APIs by SinkingYachts and BitFlow, in addition to the ones provided.

The Banned websites option is a simple list of all the hosts you wish to ban, again separated by either spaces or newlines. Note that here, you cannot ban specific subdomains and not the whole site - would ban Note the lack of the https protocol in front of the site. To ban, we simply banned, not

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